Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Bio Mechanical Analysis Of The Golf Swing Physical Education Essay

Bio Mechanical Analysis Of The Golf Swing Physical Education Essay Since hitting of the ball may be repeated an average of 50 times during an 18-hole course, or 300 times or more during a practice session by a professional, it is easy to understand that, for both professional and recreational players, injuries can occur either through overuse or bad technique through actions causing severe trauma (Kohn 1996). McCaroll (1990) found that professionals injured their self less frequently than that of amateurs, and that the causes of injury were due to poor swing mechanics. Injuries to these musculoskeletal structures are caused either by overload of tension, twisting of the tissues or the strain of the physical impact of hitting the ball (Stover 1976). The aim of this essay is to review and analyse the golf swing biomechanically to identify the correct technique to help prevent common golfing injuries. The golf swing will be broken down in to 6 phases; ball address, end of backswing, forward swing/acceleration, ball impact, early follow through, and late follow through. For each of these 6 phases the human body undergoes biomechanical stresses likely to provoke injuries, these injuries and their prevention will be discussed during each phase. Phase 1 and 2 Ball Address and End of Back Swing There are several factors to consider during the ball address to ensure an effective technique for force production and injury prevention. Bad posture can cause skeletal and joint misalignment, which will affect the pattern of stress imposed on tissue and the area of force distribution (McGinnis 1999). Therefore if the players posture is less then optimal they begin and end movement in an aberrant position and as a result the chances of accelerating joint wear are increased. The attainment of the optimal pre-stroke posture is achieved through a good starting position i.e. even weight distribution on both feet with a shoulder width stance. This will ensure a significant base of support that will promote stability and equilibrium to the golfer as the centre of gravity moves throughout the shot. Therefore allowing maximal potential kinetic energy to be generated through the club. If the stance is too wide truck rotation will be reduced placing greater strain on the spine, causing injury. Alternatively, if the feet are too narrow, reducing the base of support, it could lead the golfer to lose control of the swing due to a decrease in stability. To help prevent injuries to lower back during the entire swing it is essential to have good core stability. (Wilson 2005 p. 316) describes the core as  the ability of the lumbo-pelvic hip complex to prevent buckling of the vertebral column and return it to equilibrium following perturbation. As a result, core stabi lity is essential to help stabilise the body which in effect will help to support the antagonist of the abdominal, therefore preventing injury to the lower back. As joint mechanics are less than ideal with poor posture, joints will not effectively move around a central axis, therefore preventing angular motion. With poor posture, the stabilising muscles of the body (those that help maintain joint axis rotation), become long and weak. In opposition, the movement muscles of the body become overused, short and tight. A continuation of this cycle leads to further imbalance, increasing the chances of injury (Chek 1998). Once good posture is achieved there should be slight anterior flexion of the trunk at the hips and the shoulders, knees and feet must be aligned. The back must be kept straight while keeping the vertebral column perpendicular to the ground in the frontal plane (although the upper body of the player remains leaning forward towards the ball to allow a lower centre of gravit y to optimise equilibrium throughout the swing). If your centre of gravity is not distributed evenly when you take your setup due to a postural fault or incorrect stance the  centre of gravity may be too far back, which in effect will cause the legs to move before the backswing is complete. Consequently power is supplied by the arms and shoulders only, which again creates excessive force through the shoulder and elbow. In the second phase, the backswing, a simultaneous rotation to the right side around the spinal vertical axis of the knees, hips and upper limbs is executed. This raises the club to its highest point in order to obtain the widest possible arc of motion (Adlington 1996) Injuries related with the address and backswing of the golf swing are: Frontal flexion at the dorsolumbar spine rather than at the hips increases the possibility of vertebral hypermobility and unbalanced muscular stress during the backswing (Hosea 1996) Overextended, straight arms (especially the left) or hyperextend elbows and abnormally high muscular tension in the forearms (too tight a grip) reduces the effectiveness in creating speed in the downswing and can induce elbow and wrist injuries at ball impact (Gosheger 2003) A grip without interlocking hands or too loose a grip increases the danger of dropping the club causing a loss of accuracy on ball impact and injury of the elbow, wrist or hand through ground impact. An excessively long backswing may cause trunk over-rotation injury or throw the golfer off balance leading to ground collision injuries. Excess backswing also increases tension in the left thumb and right wrist. Excess arm/shoulder elevation on the backswing, with the left arm abducting the left shoulder, impinges on the subacromial tissues (tendons, bursa) and requires good stabilisation from the rotator cuff muscles. If the bursa continues to be impinged this could lead to the bursa becoming inflamed causing bursitis.( Jobe 1996) Leftward spinal lean, instead of being parallel to the ground, during the rightward weight shift increases the possibility of a conflicting spinal curve posture at the end of the follow through. The rightward weight shift abnormally collected on the outside of the right foot can cause a loss of equilibrium and right ankle sprain.( McCarroll 1990) Phase 3 and 4 Forward Swing/Acceleration and Ball Impact The third phase of the golf swing is characterised by the activation of an anatomical multi lever system which gives the club a downswing in a rotational, angular trajectory and a maximum speed. A lever system is rigid or semi-rigid object that is capable of rotating around a fulcrum (McLeste 2008). In a golf swing a third class lever is present and consists of the golf club and the golfers arm. Levers increase speed and power, therefore maintaining a longer lever will increase power production. If the lever is shortened due to flexing the elbow on impact it will take a greater force to obtain the same power. Therefore excessive force will be transferred into the elbow. If the fulcrum is so far off-set away from centre, a lot of muscular effort must go into the grip of the club at one end in order to move the club head at the other. These levers are activated in sequence from the ground level upwards; from the feet to the wrists. Prior to the completion of the backswing, good golfers are gathering kinetic energy from the ground upwards in preparation for the downswing. As the feet push into the ground forces are generated and then transferred back into the body, in turn accelerating firstly through the hips, shoulders, arms and then club head. This is an effective use of the kinetic chain by generating forces from the bottom up which will allow for an efficient smooth motion. If the kinetic chain breaks down due to inconsistency in the swing technique this could lead to injuries as the force is not being controlled and distributed evenly through the body. The risks for injuries in the downswing and ball impact occur in the zones of greatest muscular activity. There is also risk for injury to the elbows, wrists and hands if any of these 3 structures is held too stiff. (Kohn 1996) Injuries related with the down swing and ball impact of the golf swing are: Thoracic and abdominal muscular strains may arise after forceful upper body rotation on the downswing. (Stover 1976) The leftward weight shift can create considerable compressive forces on the left leg (hip, knee, ankle and foot) which are hazardous to individuals with osteoarthritis. (Hahn 1991) Lateral or medial epicondylitis (golfers elbow) can be sustained at impact if the grip is too tight or the elbows are held too tightly or are hyper extended. Grips size is therefore important as too small a grip will make the golfer grip tightly. Clubs of proper weight, length, and grip are therefore important in significantly reducing the vigorous forces generated within the  elbow (Kocker 2000) Excessive wrist flexion/extension in the downswing, or hitting the ground after losing equilibrium, can cause serious hand and wrist injuries. (Murray Cooney 1996). Phase 5 and 6 Follow Through and Late Follow Through The follow through is essentially the deceleration of the body after contact with the ball has been made. Deceleration by the body occurs as a result of the absorption of energy back up through the kinetic chain of the body. The danger for injuries to the lumbar dorsal zone arises if the deceleration stops too abruptly or if the final range of motion of spinal rotation is too prominent (Parnianpour 1988). Posterior shoulder injuries are most likely during the follow through due to the high inertia and large acceleration (Atwater 1979). At the very top of the follow through, the spine is rotated to the left, and the hips are fully facing the target which enlists the help of the abdominal muscles to support the spine, while the wrist joints abduct working the wrist extensors to drop the club behind the back. At impact, the body shifts back to the relatively symmetrical position for a very short time, then the centre of gravity shifts towards the target as the mass of the arms and club move in that direction. To golfer must dissertate and control this energy if he intends to remain on his feet. Research by Fleisig (1995) indicated that at impact the left foot (right-handed golfer) is supporting 80% to 95% of the golfers weight, therefore concluding it is essential for golfers to wear spikes to help control this energy. Gatt (1998) supports this theory stating they provide additional traction, allowing the forces generated by the lower body to be transferred into the club. Injuries associated with the early and late follow through are: Shoulder ligaments and rotator cuff muscles can experience excessive mechanical stress (tension or compression) in a forceful follow through (Hovis 2002) Injury to the hips or dorsolumbar spine may arise due to the deceleration of the follow through is too rapid (Parnianpour 1988) An excessively forceful drive, inducing a reversed C lordotic spinal curvature, may induce unusual high stresses on the dorso-lumbar vertebral bodies, in particular on the posterior joints (Batt 1993) An off-balance weight transfer or slide can cause an ankle or foot sprain as well as knee injury Injury Prevention Flexible muscles and tendons are extremely important in the prevention of most strain or sprain injuries. It is important to have a significant amount of muscular strength and muscle endurance as this will affect the magnitude of the loading and shock absorption on the body. Joint flexibility will affect the load pattern of segments (McGinnis1999).When muscles and tendons are flexible and supple, they are able to move and perform without being over stretched. If, however, muscles and tendons are tight and stiff, it is quite easy for those muscles and tendons to be pushed beyond their natural range of movement and therefore this will increase the risk of injury. When this happens, strains, sprains, and pulled muscles occur. In addition for the need for flexibility the following strategies aid to prevent golfing injuries: Dorsolumbar spine Injuries sprain, muscular strain, herniated disc and arthrosis (Hosea1996). Preventive techniques Straight back posture, maintaining joint alignment and weight transfer during the golf swing Speed control during trunk rotation (i.e. use of the kinetic chain) Reduction of the shoulder range of motion and trunk Effective use of angular motion Dorsolumbar conditioning through flexibility and muscular strengthening exercises Elbow, wrist and hand Injuries Epicondylitis (Golfers Elbow), chronic sprain, tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome and fracture (Murry Cooney 1996) Preventive techniques Reduction of wrist flexor/extensor (grip) tension and loosening of elbows Reduction of excessive wrist motion Maintaining good balance during weight transfer Wrist and finger flexor/extensor conditioning for flexibility and strength Use of a counter-shock brace, a more flexible, lighter golf club (graphite) or club counter-shock device (Metz 1999) Shoulder Injuries Tendinitis, bursitis, glenohumeral instability, sprain (Jobe 1996) Preventive techniques Reduction of the angular shoulder displacement at backswing Control of excessive arm motion at follow through Conditioning exercises for flexibility (posterior capsule) and rotator cuff strengthening to help stabilise the shoulder joint (Hovis 2002) Conclusion In conclusion restrictions in the body in terms of flexibility, muscular strength, endurance, or power can create boundaries in the swing from a biomechanical viewpoint. In addition, biomechanical defects in the swing itself limit the potential and kinetic energy outputs of the body. Injuries to the upper limb account for the majority of golf-related injuries. Most injuries occur as the club impacts the ball and are muscle-related due to the high forces and strain applied during the downswing. An understanding of how the body moves biomechanically to harness these forces and the muscle activity achieved during the golf swing will help athletes and coaches to understand why these injuries occur and the ways to prevent them in the future.

Monday, January 20, 2020

The Ethics of Terrorism: Employing Just War Principles Essay -- Terror

The Just War tradition has been seen as a leading perspective on the ethics of war since the writings of St Augustine were rearticulated by Thomas Aquinas. It attempts to provide a framework which validates just conflicts, whilst at the same time applying limits so as to prevent unrestrained warfare. Today, its core principles can be divided into two broad categories: ‘jus ad bellum’ (just resort to war) and ‘jus in bello’ (just conduct in war). For a war to be just, numerous criteria must be satisfied within these categories. In recent decades non-state terrorism has become increasingly high-profile; indeed, in the twenty first century it has dominated the global political agenda. It is pertinent therefore, to question whether terrorism can be ethically assessed using the Just War tradition.In this essay, I will argue that it is possible to ethically evaluate terrorism by employing Just War principles. I will show that terrorists can satisfy the most important criterion of the Just War tradition. Firstly, they can represent a ‘legitimate authority’ and can have a ‘just cause’. Secondly, terrorism can be a ‘last resort’ and offers a ‘reasonable prospect of success’. Finally, whilst many terrorists do adhere to the principle of ‘discrimination’, the notion of ‘non-combatant immunity’ and civilian innocence is over-simplified. Furthermore, terrorists may perceive themselves to be in a ‘supreme emergency’, therefore mea ning the rules of war cease to exist. Terrorism can satisfy the principle of proportionality. However, before I begin my argument, I must establish a working definition for ‘terrorism’; an important and controversial issue in itself. Walzer describes it as ‘like rape and murder†¦ an attack upon the innocent’ (2005... ...Family Research Council, Accessed Online: 07/11/2010 Roberts, Adams, (1989), ‘Ethics, Terrorism and Counter Terrorism’, Terrorism and Political Violence 1 (1), pp. 48-70 Schmidt Alex P, and Jongman Albert I, (1998) ‘Political Terrorism’ (Amsterdam, Transaction Books) Smilanski, Saul, (2004), ‘Terrorism, Justification and Illusion’, Ethics, 114, July pp. 790-805 Valls, Andrew, (2000), ‘Can Terrorism Be Justified’, In Andre Valls (ed.), Ethics in International Affairs, pp. 65-80 Walzer, Michael, (1992), ‘Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations’, (New York: Basic Books) Walzer, Michael, (2005), ‘Arguing About War’, (Yale Nota Bene) Wilkins, Burleigh Taylor, (1992), ‘Terrorism and collective responsibility’, (New York : Routledge) US State Department, (2005), ‘Country Reports on Terrorism’, Accessed online: 15/11/2010 The Ethics of Terrorism: Employing Just War Principles Essay -- Terror The Just War tradition has been seen as a leading perspective on the ethics of war since the writings of St Augustine were rearticulated by Thomas Aquinas. It attempts to provide a framework which validates just conflicts, whilst at the same time applying limits so as to prevent unrestrained warfare. Today, its core principles can be divided into two broad categories: ‘jus ad bellum’ (just resort to war) and ‘jus in bello’ (just conduct in war). For a war to be just, numerous criteria must be satisfied within these categories. In recent decades non-state terrorism has become increasingly high-profile; indeed, in the twenty first century it has dominated the global political agenda. It is pertinent therefore, to question whether terrorism can be ethically assessed using the Just War tradition.In this essay, I will argue that it is possible to ethically evaluate terrorism by employing Just War principles. I will show that terrorists can satisfy the most important criterion of the Just War tradition. Firstly, they can represent a ‘legitimate authority’ and can have a ‘just cause’. Secondly, terrorism can be a ‘last resort’ and offers a ‘reasonable prospect of success’. Finally, whilst many terrorists do adhere to the principle of ‘discrimination’, the notion of ‘non-combatant immunity’ and civilian innocence is over-simplified. Furthermore, terrorists may perceive themselves to be in a ‘supreme emergency’, therefore mea ning the rules of war cease to exist. Terrorism can satisfy the principle of proportionality. However, before I begin my argument, I must establish a working definition for ‘terrorism’; an important and controversial issue in itself. Walzer describes it as ‘like rape and murder†¦ an attack upon the innocent’ (2005... ...Family Research Council, Accessed Online: 07/11/2010 Roberts, Adams, (1989), ‘Ethics, Terrorism and Counter Terrorism’, Terrorism and Political Violence 1 (1), pp. 48-70 Schmidt Alex P, and Jongman Albert I, (1998) ‘Political Terrorism’ (Amsterdam, Transaction Books) Smilanski, Saul, (2004), ‘Terrorism, Justification and Illusion’, Ethics, 114, July pp. 790-805 Valls, Andrew, (2000), ‘Can Terrorism Be Justified’, In Andre Valls (ed.), Ethics in International Affairs, pp. 65-80 Walzer, Michael, (1992), ‘Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations’, (New York: Basic Books) Walzer, Michael, (2005), ‘Arguing About War’, (Yale Nota Bene) Wilkins, Burleigh Taylor, (1992), ‘Terrorism and collective responsibility’, (New York : Routledge) US State Department, (2005), ‘Country Reports on Terrorism’, Accessed online: 15/11/2010

Sunday, January 12, 2020


Sadanand Maiya Talking to TWB on receiving the Honorary Doctorate, he expressed his happiness and gratitude to the people of Karnataka and said that coming from a Brahmin family he was supposed to offer free food to poor and needy people, but in business he was helpless, and as an alternative, he had now decided to help the people in the field of Education under the banner of his own trust namely â€Å"Sadananda Maiya Charitable Trust†. The PU Block consisting of 6 floors will be named after him at Jayanagar National College campus at an estimated cost of Rs. 6 crore sponsored by him with latest hi end technologies, and will start functioning shortly. For MCA from next academic year, four floors will be almost ready by June and the remaining 2 floors will be ready by October he said. Besides this, he has donated 40 computers to his home town school and constructed PU Block at Kotta Viveka School and a well stocked library at Sneha Sagar School. Belonging to a reputed hotelier family which had established the Mavalli Tiffin Room restaurant at Bangalore in 1924, Mr. Maiya imbibed the innate ability to â€Å"CREATE† foods with lasting taste and flavour even when he was studying in the school/college. While most of the boys at his age were more enamored by various extracurricular activities, Mr. Maiya chose to spend his leisure time to observe and learn the intricate art/skill of making new/innovative foods from his forefathers at MTR restaurant. It was this informal exposure, which had made him a real practitioner of art and science of cooking many traditional foods of South India. Mr. Maiya was born at Parampaalli in Dakshina Kannada district (presently Udupi district) on July 13, 1949. After a brilliant school career in his native place, he completed the Bachelor of Engineering course in Electrical engineering at BMS College of Engineering, University of Bangalore in the year 1973. Mr. Maiya, as a partner launched MTR Foods in 1976 and by 1978 established a small-scale facility to manufacture a host of ready mix products for many popular foods, which became instant hits in the market From a small-scale ready mix unit Mr. Maiya raised the status of his organisation to a major player in the industrial landscape of the country with high visibility and consumer goodwill. MTR Foods Ltd., as seen today, was incorporated in 1997 with Mr. Maiya as Chairman and Managing Director and growth of the organization ever since has been phenomenal, with the annual turnover of registering more than Rs. 1000 million during 2002-2003. Mr. Maiya was instrumental in transforming the status of his company from a small-scale unit to an ISO 9000 company with HACCP certification. Adoption of the internationally acclaimed -System Application Product in data processing, popularly known as â€Å"SAP†, by MTR Foods Ltd, for bringing up the management efficiency to be on par with

Friday, January 3, 2020

Personal Statement About My Hero The First Person - 887 Words

When asked to tell about my hero the first person, or in my case persons that came to mind were my parents. My parents had a raised their family, even had two grandchildren, but that was not enough for them, they adopted my sister and I and started all over again. In June of 2004 my sister and I were living in an orphanage in Tambov, Russia. We had been living there for almost five years, so when we were in formed a that a couple from the United States were interested in adopting us we were very excited. My parents wanted more children and they chose us. Today I would like to tell you a little about the adventure of my parents to adopt two little girls in an orphanage in Tambov, Russia. My parents parents learned about us when my mother saw a picture of us on an international adoption web site in early December or 2003. By the end of January they had sign an Adoption Contraction and the adventure began. First my parents had to find a local Adoption agency to do the home study, background check and all the other things they do before place a child in a home for adoption. My parents found this complicated as not all agencies handle foreign adoptions, parents were lucky and were able to use Lutheran Family Services. Next came the police background checks. Then everything had to be notarize, then all the notarized papers had to be episealed, which is where you have the notarized papers verified to make sure that the notary is a notary. By the time they were ready to mail theShow MoreRelatedExplanation of the Utilitarian Ethical Theory Essay1417 Words   |  6 Pagesbelong to the minority in a society. 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